More Information About Email Addresses
If you use a TIM, Libero, Yahoo!, AOL, Hotmail, Outlook or Gmail email address you need to add our email address to your address book contacts.
The address to add is:
Why do I need to add your address?
Mail provider addresses are heavily used and as a result they receive a large amount of spam, or junk mail. For this reason they have junk mail filters that in some cases only allow reception to email addresses that are in the contact list of your email service.
This is why it is important that is added to your address book so that you can receive any booking information or other important emails from us that relate to any tour or activity that you have booked online with DOMA - San Domenico Maggiore onlus
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Sacristy and Treasure Room
Whit this ticket you will gain access to Sacristy and Treasure Room
price Full
Prices and details available
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All prices shown include pre-sale rights |
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To proceed with the order you do not need more than 50 visitors
To continue you must add at least one of the following rates :
Available dates
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Other dates are available for the selected language, but require a booking with multiple visitors. To view them change your choice by selecting at least 3 visitatori. |
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Go to payment
receive tickets in your e-mail and skip the line at the ticket office receive the voucher in your emailConfirm booking
no amount due, you will pay at the ticket office on siteConfirm booking
no amount due
:weekDay :dateFormatted Sold out |
:hour :capacity |
When do you come?
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We are out of stock for this date.